What are you courting?

Rhonda posted an interesting article about her speed-dating experience. In ten “dates,” not one man asked her about herself. She has since married a wonderful man, but he triggered her ire when she called home each day while travelling to have Courtship, proposal with flowershim tell her about his day, but never inquire about hers. On day five, Rhonda asked, “Don’t you even want to hear about my day?” He noticed his omission, apologized, inquired about her day, and has been more attentive ever since. A success story? Yes… and

In my way of thinking, if ten men and her wonderful hubby all talk about themselves and don’t think to inquire about her, it might be a trait, not a flaw. If the same men were speed-networking with each other instead of speed-dating with the ladies, chances are the conversation would be balanced even if neither party invited the other to talk about themselves. To get irritated and point out the omission paints it as a flaw, and can set up a dynamic where the men in your life ask you about your day, not because they care, but because they don’t want to tick you off. Personally, I’d rather have a man who rarely asks, than one who asks because he’s afraid of angering me. 

Everything we do courts some kind of relationship dynamic. Getting irritated and confronting someone for not behaving the way we think they should courts rebellion or compliance. Is that what you want? CONTINUED

What are you courting?